
WP EXIR 2.0 050316 1.jpg

With the growing popularity of all-weather monitoring in the surveillance industry, IR LED requirements are getting more demanding. Anticipating a need for infrared cameras, Hikvision took the lead in developing EXIR (EXtended InfraRed) cameras. After continual refinement and a series of technological improvements, Hikvision introduced the next generation of infrared technology, EXIR 2.0.

This white paper provides an in-depth explanation of the technological advantages of EXIR 2.0 technology. In addition to the previous generation's advantages over DIP IRs EXIR 2.0 offers new advantages, which include:

  • Improved heat disspiation
  • Lifespan improvement by as much as 20,000 hours
  • Elimination of a secondary lens for infrared light focus
  • Smaller form factor